For our friends and visitors who are not Orthodox, do know that you are welcome to be part of our worship, to join your voice to ours as we pray to God with one voice, as creatures made in his image. Yet, please note that the Church has specific disciplines regarding receiving Communion and participation in other mysteries of the Church. Regarding the mysteries, when something is handed out, if you are uncertain whether you can partake talk to Fr. Silouan in advance or wait for him to say something. As a rule, it is best not to partake of something you are uncertain if you should have, rather than partake. God sees our good intentions and our reverence and they count for much.
Regarding Communion, the only ones who should approach the chalice are the baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves through fasting from the previous day (unless an otherwise special blessing is granted) and have received their father confessor's blessing to partake. For vesperal/evening Liturgies, the pre-Communion fasting period generally begins about noon.
Also, even if you are not Orthodox, feel free to fill out the prayer request forms in the first room of the church (called "narthex") with the names you wish commemorated (first names only please), but do mark the names of the ones who are not Orthodox with an "N-O" and do know that prayers for non-Orthodox can only be offered at certain times and in certain places of our liturgy. For example, there is no such place and time during the audible parts of the Divine Liturgy. Yet, just because you may not hear the names you sent up on the form, it does not mean they are not commemorated at other times.